Songs for Best Friendship and Memory

Author: Zhujuan Qiu   Editor:Yuqing Zhang On June 4th, London Chinese singing club, dancing club, and London CCNC choir were invited to attend the celebration of Waterloo Aiyue choir’s 6th year of establishment, as well as their leader’s handover ceremony. In 2016 London Chinese Spring Festival Gala, we invited Aiyue choir and London CCNC choir to cooperate together. It must remind you of their final program. This is the second cooperation for two clubs’. First, we took a picture together, and

The event of “I Want to Go to the 2017 Chinese New Year Spring Gala” has completed successfully

Author: Bo Hu The selection of 2017 Chinese New Year Spring Gala performances has fully launched by London Chinese Association. The objective of this activity is to create leisure opportunities for local community members to enhance their well-being and quality of life. Although the majority of our shows come from the local Chinese community, our services and programs are open to all individuals and groups regardless of their ethnic backgrounds. Up to December 10 at 12 am, we received a

2017 伦敦华协“瑞邦之夜• 伦敦春晚”正紧锣密鼓筹备中

作者:廖化伦 举办伦敦春晚已经成了伦敦华协的既定传统项目。自2012年举办首次春晚,是一年比一年红火。尤其是2016年得到瑞邦国际金融的冠名支持,以及得到像London Language Institute,地产经纪王万里,郑主刚牙医及雷克萨斯专卖店等热心人士和企业鼎力相助,取得了前所未有的成功,受到各方面一致的好评。 “雄鸡一唱天下白”,2017鸡年春晚,现在已经擂响战鼓,厉兵秣马,积极筹备中。 据悉,明年春晚的节目已经得到多个单位和个人的参与,如CCNC的民乐团和合唱团,瑞邦伦敦旗袍协会,洪静舞蹈工作室,Hugo Piano studio,以及苳苳舞蹈工作室等。 节目的类型也比往年更加丰富多彩,除了传统的开场舞、合唱、独唱之外,新增加了越剧、北美音乐剧、旗袍舞、交谊舞、新疆舞及蒙古舞。驰名中外的川剧变脸的绝技也将走上春晚舞台。而一台诡异的魔术节目,正在商谈之中,极有可能为伦敦观众送来惊喜。 为了使2017年春晚这份大餐更丰盛,华协春晚筹备组目前正举办“我要上春晚”的节目海选。希望此次海选活动能为伦敦华人提供更多展示自己才艺的舞台,为明年春晚甄选优秀演员,输送精品节目。 海选不限年龄,国籍,个人或团体组合,都可以报名参选。为了方便海选,参选者可提供3–4分钟才华显示的节目视频,其中包括10秒的自我介绍。上传视频的内容不限,只要你肯秀出你的绝活和才艺,都有机会登上春晚舞台。 报名方法有三种: 1. 上传视频。将视频上传到YouTube, 再将视频链接发送到指定的邮箱:,注明节目名称# 您的姓名# 您的联系方式。 2. 下载美拍APP,分享到微信512897899,注明节目名称# 您的姓名# 您的联系方式。 3.发送超大附件到指定邮箱。将录制好的视频发送到邮箱,并注明节目名称# 您的姓名# 您的联系方式。 评选方法为大众评选与春晚筹备组评选相结合,各占 50 %。在规定报名时间内收到的所有视频都将上传到官方网站。大众评选可通过网上投票方式支持您所喜欢的节目。投票时间:2016年12月1日至12月10日。公布结果时间:2016年12月12日。 鸡年春晚,伦敦华人协会是主办单位。合作团体包括华人协进会伦敦分会(CCNC London Chapter), Fanshawe 学生会(FCS), 加拿大伦敦学生学者联谊会 (CSSA London) 及中国海外学生联谊会(COSA London)。合作媒体包括伦敦《新生活周报》、《加拿大伦敦华人网》、《伦敦大众时报》和《红枫林传媒》。 鸡年春晚,也荣幸地继续得到瑞邦国际金融冠名赞助,得到伦敦英语学校,万丰镁瑞丁公司,宝马伦敦店,郑主刚医生,地产经纪王万里,资深金牌经纪淡节,佳美家俬,雷克萨斯店,房产经纪徐铭,甜蜜婚介,苳苳舞蹈工作室以及B2 Home Innovation等鼎力赞助。 在线购票办法:On line Tickets: www. 票价:入场票—$15. 儿童票—$2. 65岁及以上老人票—$ 2. 鸡年春晚的总导演是仇祝娟(Joanna Qiu)女士, 总策划是Leon Lee先生。由他们率领的春晚筹备组将全力以赴,把相关的策划,公关,宣传,排练,舞美,服装,背投,灯光音响,后勤等工作力求尽善尽美,无懈可击,决心让明年春晚活色生香,不负众望。 如有任何与海选,票务相关事项查询,烦请Email 至 或电至 519-694-8289 或微信 512897899 期待春晚,欢乐与共。

2017 瑞邦之夜伦敦春晚节目选拔大赛

我要上春晚 2017•瑞邦之夜伦敦春晚节目选拔大赛 报名时间:2016年11月10日-2016年11月30日   报名资格: • 不限国籍、年龄、个人或团体组合,只要您有好的才艺,都可来报名参赛。   节目视频要求: • 请拍摄约3-4分钟的才艺展示视频,其中包括约10秒钟的自我介绍; • 上传视频内容不限,除了传统节目形式之外,只要你肯秀出你的绝活,都有机会登上《我要上春晚》的舞台。     报名方法: 现有三种报名方法,为方便您报名,请任选其中一种方法进行报名即可。 • 第一种报名方法:将节目视频上传到YouTube,再将视频链接发送到指定邮箱即可。具体内容如下: ♦ 请将视频链接发送到邮箱 即可完成报名; ♦ 邮件标题请按照如下格式发送:节目名称#您的姓名#您的联系方式。 如何上传至YouTube: 手机拍摄–查看视频—分享选择YouTube–上传–复制链接发送到邮箱   • 第二种报名方法:下载美拍APP,分享视频到微信:512897899 ♦ 分享视频到微信请注明:节目名称、您的姓名以及您的联系方式。   • 第三种报名方法:发送超大附件到邮箱 ♦ 请将录制好的视频发送到邮箱 即可完成报名; ♦ 邮件标题请按照如下格式发送:节目名称#您的姓名#您的联系方式。   评选办法: • 评选主要以大众评选以及春晚筹备组评选为主,大众评选占比50%,春晚筹备组占比50%; • 在规定报名时间内收到的所有视频我们都将上传到官方网站,大众评审可通过网上投票的方式来支持您喜欢的节目; • 大众评审及春晚筹备组将对所有上传的节目进行投票,投票时间为2016年12月1日至12月10日。公布结果时间为2016年12月12日; • 2017年春晚举办时间:2017年1月21日。   如有任何参赛相关事项查询,烦请Email至 , 或者电至519-694-8289或者微信512897899   2017年“瑞邦之夜 伦敦春晚”期待您的加入~          

2016 Canada Day Celebration

2016 Canada Day Celebration Author: Kexin Chen Editor: Bo Hu   July 1st is Canada Day, and it is also the beginning of the second half of 2016. The volunteers of London Chinese Association enjoy full 12 hours with the residents of all ethnic groups in London. Although the thunderstorm appears in the morning, we still use our enthusiasm to do the works together, which involved in putting up the tent, tables and chairs, hanging Flags of Canada and China,

London Chinese Association Dance Group Participated Charity Dinner

London Chinese Association Dance Group Participated Charity Dinner Author : Zhujuan Qiu   Editor: Qi Zhu     Tonight is Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon hangs in the sky, and the fireworks explode colorfully everywhere. Families usually gather together to celebrate the festival. The beauties in dancer team from London Chinese Association, Teacher Zhangwei, Teacher Mo, and dancer team in London Music College participate in the activity hold by Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation, which is a fund-raising program for breast cancer

Volunteer 志愿者招募

Volunteer Recruitment… giving a helping hand Welcome to join London Chinese Association    Job Description Fundraising Team: Responsible for the fund application Research prospective donors Identify and contact potential donors Conduct fundraising strategies for an organization Organize a campaign or event that will lead to soliciting donations Create a strong fundraising message that appeals to potential donors Ensure that all legal reporting requirements are satisfied Assist with organizations of supplies and donations Event planning and execution Team: Responsible for volunteers recruitment

Farewell Party for Music Teacher Ma and Lina

Farewell Party for Music Teacher Ma and Lina Author: Zhujuan Qiu   Editor:Qi Zhu     May 25th is a special long weekend because Teacher Ma and Teacher Lina are going to pursue the doctor degree of Music in United States. London CCNC Choir and Women Choir from London Chinese Association gathered together to hold a sodality for them. Teacher Shen and Teacher Jada are invited to the big party as well. There are various forms of activities and shows in

Successfully Hosting “Respon Night · Spring Festival 2016”

Successfully Hosting “Respon Night · Spring Festival 2016” From:Red Maple News   Author:Wen Feng      Editor: Bo Hu London Chinese Association successfully host “2016 Respon night · London Spring Festival” event at Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School auditorium on January 23, 2016. New Provincial Lawmaker Peggy Sattler, London Mayor Matt Brown and hundreds of people arrived at the scene and celebrated Chinese New Year 2016 together. Opening dance Provincial Lawmaker Peggy Sattler gave her best wishes to all of the people by using

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