Songs for Best Friendship and Memory

Author: Zhujuan Qiu   Editor:Yuqing Zhang

On June 4th, London Chinese singing club, dancing club, and London CCNC choir were invited to attend the celebration of Waterloo Aiyue choir’s 6th year of establishment, as well as their leader’s handover ceremony. In 2016 London Chinese Spring Festival Gala, we invited Aiyue choir and London CCNC choir to cooperate together. It must remind you of their final program. This is the second cooperation for two clubs’.

First, we took a picture together, and took each club’s picture, Aiyue members prepared amazing potluck dinner, CCNC club also prepared a big cake and some other food. After the dinner, they totally performed 18 programs. There were solos, dramas, women’s chorus, mixed voice chorus, chorus, and dance. London Chinese women’s chorus (Let the world be filled with love) was performed perfectly, the audience were very excited and they applauded. Waterloo’s members and teachers praised that those performers are beautiful and also sing well. Peter Lam sang a solo (Swan goose) with dance-band, audience were surprised by that. CCNC club sang a chorus (The beautiful Morpheus), which took the audience to a dream. Xingyu Jiang directed the two clubs, and they sang (We are going to meet again) together, it pushed the performance to a climax. After this party, the ball continued, the two clubs extemporaneous played, female members danced Swan goose, and male members sang it, the ball was ended in a happy environment. We spent a beautiful evening together. Aiyue club gave us 10 tickets for Toronto Haihua chorus competition, and invited us to join 2017 Haihua chorus competition, with teacher Jiang’s guidance, we are proud of London singing fans, and we will continue to improve London Chinese people’s chorus ability. Waterloo and London, the two chorus clubs, we used this amazing party and songs to promote our friendship.

以歌会友 欢乐联谊

作者: 仇祝娟

6月4日,伦敦华协女子合唱舞蹈队及伦敦CCNC合唱团 (简称伦敦团) 受邀参加滑铁卢华人爱乐合唱团 (简称爱乐团) 成立六周年的庆典活动及新老团长交接仪式联谊会。今年华协春晚我们邀请爱乐团和伦敦团同台演出最后的压轴节目“大合唱”,想必大家都记忆深刻。这次是两团的再次合作。首先,我们照了”全家福”,并分别照了集体照,爱乐团的团员准备了丰盛的Potluck 晚餐,伦敦团也买了大蛋糕和食物。聚餐后,两团共表演了十八个节目。有独唱,舞台剧,女生小合唱,混声小合唱,大合唱及舞蹈。华协女生小合唱“让世界充满爱”,姐妹们表现特别出色,超水平发挥,引来观众的热烈互动及掌声。滑铁卢的老师及观众都夸我们人美歌更美。由Peter  Lam独唱,舞蹈队伴舞的(鸿雁),不同反响。CCNC 合唱团“美丽的梦神”把观众带入梦的境地,最后由姜星宇老师指挥两团共同合唱了一曲“重逢有日”,将晚会推向高潮。演出结束后,交谊舞会继续进行,两团即兴发挥,女团员跳鸿雁,在坐的男团员伴唱,联谊会在欢快祥和的气氛中结束。我们共同度过了一个美好的夜晚。同时,爱乐团赠送了十张多伦多海华节合唱比赛的门票,邀请我们以两团的名义参加2017年海华节的合唱比赛,并由姜老师亲自指导,为次我为伦敦的歌友爱好者们感到荣幸和骄傲!我们会继续努力推动伦敦歌友爱好者们的合唱水平。滑铁卢、伦敦两地的合唱团也将凭借着以歌会友的形式,不断增进友谊唱出欢乐,唱出友情。